
Снимки западных знаменитостей в молодости

6 Фев 2019

Жизнь голливудских знаменитостей невероятно яркая и красочная. Десятки фильмов, сотни тусовок, тысячи поездок по всему миру. Даже самые преданные фанаты не в состоянии уследить за каждым шагом любимой звезды.

Годы летят, любимые и обожаемые Ди Каприо, Питт, Джоли, Депп и многие другие меняются, так же, как и мы с тобой. Уже и не вспомнишь, как они выглядели на заре своей карьеры и чем они жили. Чтобы немного поностальгировать и освежить память, мы решили поделиться с тобой редкими архивными кадрами молодых знаменитостей.

Дэйнс Клэр и Джуд Лоу на съемках фильма «Люблю тебя, не люблю тебя». 1996 год

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Claire Danes and Jude Law in “I Love You, I Love You Not (1996)

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Из интервью Ди Каприо 1998 года: «Я обожаю природу. Могу наматывать десятки миль по нетронутым человеком местам»

Николь Кидман о кастинге на ленту «С широко закрытыми глазами» 1999 года: «Том приехал на Porsche, сверкая улыбкой. У меня отвисла челюсть. Думала, что ни за что на свете не получу эту роль»

Певица Бейонсе в интервью 2004 года: «Я ужасно не хочу стать зависимой от славы»

Роберт Де Ниро вырос в районе Маленькая Италия Нью-Йорка. За худобу и бледность его прозвали Bobby Milk

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Robert De Niro Facts: 1. Growing up in the Little Italy section of New York City, his nickname was "Bobby Milk" because he was so thin and as pale as milk. 2. Son of painter Virginia Admiral and abstract expressionist Robert De Niro Sr.. Despite being raised Presbyterian, Virginia was an atheist for most of Robert's childhood. Robert Sr. was raised Catholic but was not religious in any way. After De Niro was born, his father Robert Sr. came out as a homosexual and eventually divorced Robert's mother. 3. Although he is sometimes referred to as an Italian-American actor, De Niro is actually one quarter Italian in ancestry. His father was of half Italian and half Irish descent. His mother was of Dutch, English, German, French and Irish ancestry on her own father's side, and of German ancestry on her own mother's side. Robert was quite close to his Italian paternal grandfather, whom he visited frequently in Syracuse, New York when he was young. De Niro has stated that he identifies "more with [his] Italian side". He was inducted into the Italian-American Hall of Fame (2002). 4. He is the second actor to receive an Academy Award for portraying Vito Corleone. He and Marlon Brando are the only two actors to receive an Academy Award for playing the same character. 5. He first discovered his love for acting at age 10 when he portrayed the Cowardly Lion in a local production of "The Wizard of Oz". He dropped out of high school to join a gang. 6. His boyhood idols among actors included Montgomery Clift, Robert Mitchum and Marlon Brando. He preferred the darker, more character-driven work of these men to the older stars of Hollywood, for whom their public persona as a star was more important than their immersion into the character. 7. Limousine drivers in Los Angeles joke about his less than generous tips by referring to him as "No Dinero". 8. Has said that Meryl Streep is his favorite actress to work with.

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Мила Йовович о своей личной жизни: «Со мной очень нелегко. У мужчины должна быть стальная выдержка, чтобы вынести мои выходки»

В 21 год Бритни стала самой молодой знаменитостью, которая получила звезду на голливудской «Аллее славы»

Мишель Родригес: «До встречи с Полом Уокером я не знала, что люди могут быть настолько притягательными и открытыми. Уже после дня без него я безумно скучала»

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Fast and Furious cast on Paul Walker 1. “I could see Paul once every two years and just know there was another human on the planet who’s deep like me, who loves like that. When that disappears, you wonder, ‘Wait a minute, what do I hold on to?’ There was nothing to tether me to this existence: ‘Why am I f—ing here? And, like, why’d you leave without me?’ ” — Michelle Rodriguez 2. “The day after the tragedy, for me to fly from Atlanta that night and to show up at his mother’s house and for me to say to his mother, ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,’ and for his mother to say to me ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry’ — I said, ‘Why? Why are you saying sorry to me?’ And she said, ‘Because you lost your other half…She was telling me something I wasn’t even aware of. I wasn’t aware of how profound the loss was. You don’t think about it while you’re living, and we’re probably all a little guilty of not telling people how much we love them while they’re here. “ — Vin Diesel 3. “I so badly wanted to say I can’t express what he meant to me or what the impact of him being gone has had on my life in one quote, because I loved Paul so much, What Paul had was the gift of being really present to everyone around him. It’s something i’ve worked really hard on. I think all of us try so hard, and it’s difficult to have that innately. It’s one of the best qualities you can have in a friend. He didn’t want the drama. He didn’t get wrapped up in the stuff that so many people in the industry do. So I was just blessed to know him at all. “ — Jordana Brewster

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Мила Кунис о переезде из СССР: «Мои родители отказались от всего, когда мы переехали из Черновцов в Лос-Анджелес. Они работали днями и ночами, чтобы оплатить детям образование»

Джонни Депп в 1991-м: «Если моя актерская карьера закончится, я стану садовником или спущу все деньги в Лас-Вегасе»

Юная Гвен Стефани берет автограф у Стинга. 1983 год

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Gwen Stefani getting autograph from Sting, 1983✍️

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Фредди Меркьюри со своими любимыми котами

Меган Фокс и Шайа Лабаф

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Megan Fox & Shia LaBeouf

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Шакира обожает Болливуд и индийские танцы

В детстве Том Хэнкс был малообщительным и стеснительным

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Tom Hanks Facts: 1. After his parents Amos and Janet divorced in 1960, siblings Tom, Larry and Sarah went to live with their father, staying in 10 different homes in 5 years, while younger brother Jim remained with their mother. 2. Though known for his on-screen charisma and versatility, Tom admits he was a "horribly, painfully, terribly shy" kid. 4. His daughter Elizabeth Hanks appears in the movie, Forrest Gump (1994), as the girl on the school bus who refuses to let young Forrest Gump (Michael Conner Humphreys) sit next to her. 5. Sold popcorn and peanuts as a teenager at the Oakland Coliseum. 6. Married his first wife Samantha Lewes (real name: Susan Dillingham) two months after their son Colin's birth. 8. He is a third cousin, four times removed, of former U.S. President Abraham Lincoln. Their common ancestors were John Hanks (1680 — 1740) and his wife, Catherine, who were the great-great-grandparents of Lincoln, and the six times great-grandparents of Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks is also a seventh cousin, once removed, of actor George Clooney (Catherine and John Hanks were the seven times great-grandparents of Clooney). 9. Lost 30 pounds for his role as Andrew Beckett in Philadelphia (1993). 10. Became a father for the first time at age 21 when his girlfriend [now ex-wife] Samantha Lewes gave birth to their son Colin Hanks on November 24, 1977. 11. His first wife Samantha Lewes died of cancer 14 years after their divorce. 12. On his father's side, Tom is of English, and some German, ancestry. Two of his paternal great-grandparents were English immigrants. Tom's maternal grandparents were both of Portuguese descent (from the Azores Islands). Tom's maternal great-grandfather had changed his surname from "Fraga" to "Frager". 13. Has been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes on October 7, 2013.

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Анджелина Джоли у придорожного кафе. 1991 год

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#90s #90sbabes

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Больше всего на свете Джаред Лето любит Гаити, музыку Мэрилина Мэнсона и свой латексный комбинезон

Ума Турман для немецкого издания Vogue. 1992 год

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Uma Thurman, German Vogue, by Sheila Metzner, 1992

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Джим Керри с детства обожал выступать перед публикой и мечтал стать актером

Синди Кроуфорд о браке с Ричардом Гиром: «Мне было всего 22, а ему — 37. Я была не готова к таким отношениям, но осознала это гораздо позже»

Брэд Питт в 1999 году: «Я счастливый человек. Мне даже снятся прекрасные сны»

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Brad Pitt interview (1999): “…Recently, Pitt says, he's been having comedy dreams. Sometimes he laughs in his sleep. Pitt tells me that he is happy. And then, almost as soon as he has told me this, he begins to worry about it. (It doesn't take much to get him worried.) His imagination begins rolling away with itself, scaring him as it goes. "I just saw a dreadful title," he says. "'Brad Pitt Talks About His Happiness.' Listen, man, it's all up and down. It's all up and down." I nod vaguely, wondering why he's saying this, but then he says something strange and interesting. "You're talking to a guy," Pitt begins, "who's always had this kind of congenital sadness. I don't know where it came from. I don't know what it is — the state of the world, the state of yourself. I don't know. I had a very easy childhood, deprived of nothing per se, so you know…" — and, not knowing, I wait, and he shrugs — "… I mean, turn on the news, man." I: “So you're less sad now? “ Pitt: “I’ve got reins on it. Awww, man, listen. I see it in so many people. I just always had so many questions growing up: why this, why the state of the world, why does God want this? Congenital sadness. It always came up, for no reason. I don't know what it is. “ I: “And you've had the same as an adult? “ Pitt: “I always had periods. I always had times. “ I: “Obviously people who read about you from a distance… “ Pitt: “[Nods] "You've got it made." Listen, I also live the life of a rock star. “ I: “The only bad thing they think they know is that you might have had a couple of love affairs which didn't work out. “ Pitt: “I know. [Exasperated] Christ. I wish they'd leave it alone. Everybody's got 'em. “ I: “But they can't think of anything else bad that's happened to you. “ Pitt: “Yeah. It's a mystery to me, too. It's an enigma. “

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Дженнифер Энистон о первом концерте, на котором она побывала в своей жизни: «Я была ужасно напугана, огромная толпа вызывала у меня панику»

Джонни Депп в интервью 1991 года: «Слушайте, я давно завязал. Не нужно меня постоянно спрашивать об этом»

Камерон Диас в 90-х

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Cameron Diaz 90s

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Так и хочется упасть на диван перед большим экраном и посмотреть культовые картины 90-х с этими актерами. Какой из фильмов пришел тебе на ум первым? Делись с нами в комментариях.

Ранее мы показывали 25 редких фотографий наших звезд, которые ты не видел раньше.

Также мы писали о 10 актрисах Голливуда с экзотическими корнями.

Старые фото западных знаменитостей в молодости